what worked for me (Pred Forte barely did)

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down in NZ

what worked for me (Pred Forte barely did)

Post by down in NZ »

This story is not a joke.

I started with a full blown case of iritis which saw each of my pupils break apart (at different times) and in the end resulted in a roughly 20% loss of vision in both eyes. I was on Pred Forte for more than three months, but refused to take Cort shots, instead living with some major pain.

Since that time three years ago, I've had two more major bouts, the first of which I nearly successfully treated with a combination of starch free diet, Rutin, Ibuperofin and Primrose Oil; but this second flareup eventually proved too much and I once again was forced back onto the Pred Forte.

The third time the iritis returned I had very little fight left in me and determined to go right onto the Pred Forte as soon as my vision started to be affected, still hoping it would clear up on its own. During that time, I went to a Bachelor Party and drank way too much Stella Artios. The next morning, hungover, my eyes hadn't worsened - in fact, they seemed a bit better. The second night I drank a more reasonalbe amount, three bottles Stella Artios, and the next morning my eyes again seemed to improve.

I have not used the Pred Forte since. At any sign of redness, I drink three Stellas per night until the redness dissappears. I kid you not.

I've never
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