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Iritis- what are the warning signs people experience?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:44 am
by Juninho1976
Hi - this is very useful here:

but what are peoples warning signs?

My last attack (August 2016) i was very sure I had iritis - red eye and sensitivity to light

This morning I woke up and have had a dull throbbing (not acute at all) pain ... this is about 7/8 hours now. I just called and I think I will go into A&E just in case but I happen to have some un opened pred forte drops

I'm torn ... could this be onset of Iritis? should I take a drop now before I can get over to A&E (not until this evening) - is there a risk of taking pred forte and is it something else?

am I over -reacting?? before I had my first iritis I would have just ignored it and I am sure it would go away. I have a slight cold so could this just be a migraine?

Apologies - asking the internet when the correct answer is just to go into A&E I know...

Let me rephrase and ask another question - is there any risk in taking a pred forte drop now and going later?

Re: Iritis- what are the warning signs people experience?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:55 pm
by vancouver
Im not sure if dull pain is ever a symptom of iritis starting. My doc told me i can start hourly drops without seeing him if my eyes get red so i dont think risk is high if you will see doc in couple days.
However, i would not take drops unless you are certain it is iritis. I would assume it is the cold and go see eye doc to be sure.

Re: Iritis- what are the warning signs people experience?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:00 am
by Juninho1976
Thanks - throbbing seems to have subsided...

Absolutely paranoid now every time I get any issues in my eye!

So what do people define as the warning signs on top of what is on the site? Is it the red eye + sensitivity or is that already the start of an attack?

Re: Iritis- what are the warning signs people experience?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:20 am
by vancouver
Some people with mild iritis can feel sensation and get to doc before any cells. For me, the first sign is tiny bit of red and a couple days later eye becomes blurry in morning. Five days after first bit of red, eye goes completely red and i have floaters. I went on day five and doc said i caught it early. Im insensitive to pain . Good lighting over mirror helps.