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Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 8:56 pm
by Traciediehl
Hello I have been suffering from Anterior Uveitis since 2011. I have gone through pred forte and moved on to Durezol and Atropine. I have been told that I have nothing that links me to my symptoms. I have been to the Casey Eye Institute in Portland, OR and they tested me for the usual suspects, I have none of them. Since I didn't have any the Dr told me to keep doing what I am doing......Durezol and Atropine. I have come the to conclusion that gluten is the cause of my episodes. I am currently weening myself off of Durezol and praying that my dilated eye will contract one more time. I fear that it is stuck. I am not happy about that, but I will have to accept it as it comes. I am happy to have found this site. It seems to have lots of good information and it is nice to know that I am not alone in this experience. Thank you.

I couldn't post a reply, so adding it here.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:25 pm
by Mike Bartolatz
Are you seeing DR Rosenbaum at Casey eye institute? or Eric Suhler? they are the uveitis specialists at Casey. they would be the ones to implement a corticosteroid sparing approach to treatment. are you HLA B27 positive? does anyone in your immediate family have an inflammatory disease or autoimmune disease going on? you need frequent pressure checks while on Durezol as it can easily increase pressure inside your eyes over a couple of weeks. this can damage the optic nerve just like glaucoma.
please contact Dr Rosenbaum for a followup and ask about alternative to steroid such as methotrexate, Cellcept or Imuran to get you off all steroids without inflammation. you have CHRONIC uveitis and it is treated systemically.

wish you the best,