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New Member

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 9:48 pm
by micheline
Hello all

I am baffled and miserable. Iritis inflammations for almost 4 years - lots of indifferent medical care. Lots of tests with nothing showing. I didn't even test positive for HLA B27.No allergies either. It seems to me that if my iritis isn't fully inflamed, it is always just under the surface waiting to resurface. I have been on Pred Forte now since March and before that Sept through to Dec. And I cannot determine any pattern.

I am trying to read all I can but it all seems so contradictory: avoid all sugars and starches, avoid all nightshades, avoid all dairy, eggs, animal flesh, avoid alcohol, other drying substances, go grain-free, follow paleo...try fasting, try bilberry, eat ginger - don't eat ginger - increase omega 3s - don't eat avocados. I swear I'd live on only water if I thought it would help.

I will follow a strict diet but which one? I am an otherwise healthy, strong, upbeat person. 54 years old, active, slender, sleep well, practice yoga....

Re: New Member

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 12:35 pm
by Mike Bartolatz
First of all welcome to the group!
there are many causes of iritis, often they are linked to viruses and autoimmune diseases. when it is recurrent and no cause can be easily determined, you have to move on to other classes of medications called DMARD drugs to down regulate your immune system so that it stops attacking your eyes. we suggest that if at all possible that you get a Uveitis specialist involved in your care. you may have to travel to see one in order to break this cycle of recurrent or chronic iritis before the steroids of the uveitis cause further damage to your eyes. often methotrexate, Cellcept or Imuran are used.

you are 54 and your hormones have changed and this often allows iritis to become chronic in women. often inflammation is linked to the iL23R gene especially when one is HLA B27 negative.

is the iritis in only one eye? chronic iritis is often linked to the herpes sx virus that causes cold sores. if this is the case, antiviral meds may be needed to treat this.

we have a list of uveitis specialists at in the PATIENT information section of the site that you can look through and select a specialist near you. OR, tell me where you live and I will suggest the best specialist near you.

please respond in the general discussion forum of this site. click on BOARD INDEX at the top of this page to be redirected to our list of forums. you cannot respond in this forum as only moderators can do so even though you started this thread.

hoping to be able to help you through this and please know that you are NOT ALONE!

wishing you quiet eyes,