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Iritis and twitching

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:40 pm
by mvikkk
Hii everyone,

I have had anterior uveitis of the idiopathic kind in my right eye since January of this year. I have had four flares until June. I went to Boston to meet Dr. Foster in June.
After my doctor discussed with him, I have been on Naproxen(NSAID) twice daily and pred-forte tapering. I have had no flares since I have started on this flow i.e since June beginning.
Right now I have tapered from 4 times a day to "once in two days" in 2 months. The eye was found "quiet" last week for the routine check.

I have a suggestion and a question,

Suggestion -
For those who have had the iritis of my kind, should consult Dr. Foster, its worth it. I was in vicious circle of anxiety/stress and flares for the first 6 months this year since I had my first attack.
But it seems to get better since the NSAID/tapering flow. I mean one cannot be sure but certainly there has been no pain and no flares.
Question -
I have recently been observing a lot of eye twitch in my right eye(which had iritis). Sometimes it drives me insane. Can it be caused due to pred-forte or iritis ? or can it be because I strain.
There is no drooping and the eye does not twitch in the morning when I wake up.

Thanks !

Re: Iritis and twitching

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 7:23 am
by Mike Bartolatz
it is probably just tired. you might want to get your thyroid checked however as rarely myesthenia gravis occurs which can cause twithing. autoimmune thyroid disease is linked to some of the things related to uveitis. Do you have the HLA B27 gene? have you been tested for thyroid disease? any signs of arthritis, skin rashes or GI problems?

DR Foster is the VERY BEST ocular immunologist in the World. you are fortunate to have him taking care of you. I moderate forums for him at and these are affiliated with the Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Foundation in Cambridge, MA USA.

take care and I ma glad that your iritis is now quiet.

take care,