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I got my very first bout of iritis for Christmas!

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:29 pm
by kari3323
Hello - and thanks for the information. I am going through my first bout currently. The Tues before Christmas, I had pain in my left eye and extreme sensitivity to light. Also random times of extreme tearing. Thought I was maybe getting pinkeye, didn't panic. A couple days later, I realized this was in no way pinkeye, but of course due to the Christmas holiday I also could not get in anywhere.

When I started getting a film-ish view (meaning I wouldnt call it blurry per se, just that eye felt like I was looking through a thin film) I finally went to an urgent care. He diagnosed episcleritis/possible scleritis and told me I needed to see an ophthalmologist. Couldn't get in there until 12/26 and he told me with certainty due to what he saw floating in the iris, etc that I had iritis.

My pressure in my left eye was 14 (18 in right). The urgent care doc had given me the prednisone drops for q6h. After seeing the ophthalmologist, he now has me on a q1h while awake. That scares me a little, but he said he wants to hit the inflammation hard, then I am seeing him again next week.

I am not sure if I have an underlying condition. I don't have any complaints. They did a SED rate and it was normal. I am 40. I also can say that the pain, redness, and photosensitivity have gone away however that film coating that I described is more like a blurriness now in my left eye. I am very nervous about this. Can someone help me understand what the progression is normally? Does it start with the pain and photosensitivity and then move to vision impairment? And if so, can anyone help me understand if this will be blurry forever or will I gain my usual sight back? I am scared about that. Thanks.


Re: I got my very first bout of iritis for Christmas!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:37 am
by Mike Bartolatz
if you have had pink eye in the past diagnosed by a GP, not an opthalmologist, it could very well be that you have had iritis previously. this is a common error and even opthalmologists will see someone that hasn't produced cells that will later be diagnosed with iritis.
photophobia, aversion to light, blur of vision, red eye are all part of iritis. once the inflammation is stopped, your vision should go back to about where it was before you developed uveitis. in women, at about your age, the hormones of the body change and then autoimmune disease is frequently the cause of the iritis. if it becomes recurrent or chronic then it will be time to do some blood tests and perhaps MRI or Xray or CT scans to look for various causes of iritis.
you should also be on a dilating drop to help prevent the iris from sticking to the lens which is what is causing the pain. once stuck, the muscle that opens and closes the iris goes into spasm causing pain.

I hope this helps,