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Failure Tastes Bitter

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:16 am
by mtbargeman
Hi, Yall-

Back in February, I opened a website, called SInce then, I've had exactly five hits on the site. Today, I will close the site, as I have had no orders- not even a nasty-gram about the sample work. This was not a viable business opportunity. I will do something else with my work, probably publish it on Amazon's Kindle to be available for the Kindle e-Reader and in paper format. If that does not pan out, well. I will know I tried. Life is like that, sometimes. Everything we do is not meant to be succesful. We learn from our mistakes and failures, and they help us to be successful in other avenues, making victory and success that much sweeter. I may not have won this day, but my day will come, and I will win that day.

Keep Trying People- You never know when it's your turn.
