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AIR Specialist in Michigan

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:50 am
by lizj56
Below is the name and address and contact information for Dr. John Heckenlively at the University of Michigan, Kellogg Eye Center
Kellogg Eye Center
1000 Wall Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105
(734) 763-2280
FAX (734) 764-3906

Dr. John Heckenlively
His assistant is who you would make your appointments with and her name is Jill Oversier and can be contacted at the number listed above. I've added some comments below from Dr. Foster for reference. Also Dr. Jampol from Northwestern University is the one who recommended I see him.

From: Stephen Foster []
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 7:36 AM
To: Liz Johnson
Subject: RE:

You are in the absolute best of hands, with someone who is on the cutting edge in this matter.

Stephen Foster

From: Liz Johnson []
Sent: Mon 2/22/2010 5:05 PM
To: Stephen Foster
Subject: RE:
Hello, I live in Elkhart Indiana and I had the antibody tests yes, ERG, OCTs, blood tests and others. My doctor is Dr. Heckenlively of the Kellogg Eye Center. He has me on a treatment that seems to be successful as it has stabilized me so far and even had some improvement from my last visit in my peripheral vision area which is where I have problems seeing. He also has me on E, Beta Carotene, DHA, C and Lutein. Just wanted other input and if there is other treatments that are successful too. I hear of some having the injections but did not know if the results were good or not. I have the history of autoimmune diseases.. MS, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma in my family background. Was hoping you could let me know your thoughts on the treatments for AIR.

Liz Johnson

From: Stephen Foster []
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 4:49 PM
To: Liz Johnson
Subject: RE:

Where do you live? Who are your doctors? Have you actually had an anti-retinal antibody test?

Stephen Foster

From: Liz Johnson []
Sent: Mon 2/22/2010 1:03 PM
Dear Dr. Foster,

I was told by a Mark Bartolatz that you would answer questions for eye conditions. I understand you are good at immunology and I happen to be currently on a treatment plan for what they call AIR autoimmune retinopathy along with retinitis simplelx. My vision was lost in the peripheral area so I am trying to stop the attacking of the antibodies with a treatment plan of cellcept, prednisone and cyclosporine deoral. I have been on it for a year now and will be on it at least another year to ensure that the attacking has stopped. I was wondering what your thoughts are in this area or if you know of anyone that works in this area. Not sure of the difference between the injection and the pills?

Liz Johnson