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Susan, Welcome to the group

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:16 am
by Mike Bartolatz
Username:SuzieQ Groups:Registered users Full Name:Susan Del MedicoWhat is the sum?:7Eye Symptoms:I have iritis for the second time and I am not doing so well this time. I am currently experiencing a headache on the same side of my eye that is affected by the iritis. The eye that is affected with the iritis has an enlarged pupil and when I put my dialating drops in it gets much bigger. I know it is 1mm I say that written on my chart. I now see blurry really close up, and I am currently taking prednisolone and cyclogyl 1%. Will this all correct itself once my iritis is under control? Will my pupils go back to normal size? or is this irreversable damage from the iritis. I have light coloured eyes and when I started this attack I had pupils. I caught it early but after one week I had a steriod injection. I was working on my computer and I noticed I saw double vision and now am noticing that I cannot see really close up. Please help me understand what is happening to me this time around. It is nothing like the first time.

the dilating drop will cause blur of vision. so can uveitis. once your eyes are quiet, discontinuation of he meds will result in return of vision to about normal for you. it will take up to a couple of weeks for the drugs to get out of your system so don't be too frustrated about continued blur ocurring.
the main thing is to get the uveitis quiet and to slowly taper off of the steroids so that it won't return quickly.
sometimes the uveitis will return and the doctor will do tests to see what might be causing it.
if this happens, please know we are here to help you through it providing information to you as you request it.

Please know that you are NOT ALONE!

wishing you the very best,