Stress from Katrina and its impact on Uveitis

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Mike Bartolatz
Posts: 6595
Joined: Fri Feb 06, 2004 9:58 pm

Stress from Katrina and its impact on Uveitis

Post by Mike Bartolatz »

years ago the Kobe earthquake in Japan caused a significant rise in recurrence of Uveitis. I mention this because the same can hold true from any disaster. please watch for the begining of a renewed bout of uveitis in yourself or your family member with uveitis during this very stressful time and get them care if at all possible at the earliest sign of complications to their uveitis as well as any symptoms of underlying autoimmune disease processes. many individuals will have to get new doctors out of area because of loss of facilities in the hardest stricken areas. Hopefully wage earners can return to some form of work and have healthcare. our entire system will be challenged to the breaking point because of this devastation. If you have a flare and are unable to pay go to the ER at the nearest facility with a TEaching hospital. Remember that if you cannot afford medications, Pharmaceutical companies have programs to pay for your meds or part of the cost if you have income. contact your doctors to get paperwork going.

If we can help anyone in any way, please ask and hopefully those close at hand can reach out to help.

wishing all the very best,
Mike Bartolatz
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