how soon can you go back to wearing contacts

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how soon can you go back to wearing contacts

Post by bkh »

Hi all,

I have read some similar discussions regarding contact lenses and I know that anyone with iritis can wear contact lenses if they are not currently having a flare-up or episode of iritis. I have asked doctors about this as well and I understand that since iritis is NOT an infection, putting something in your eye (contact lense) will not start a flare-up as the bout of iritis is autoimmune and thus from the inside of the body and has worked it's way out for some reason. So, I wonder, how long should I wait before putting back in my contact lenses?

I will tell you WHY I want to wear them again instead of glasses:
1. I can see better with my contacts. My vision is not limited to only what i see when looking straight ahead - I get peripheral vision as well as when I look down or up.
2. With contacts I can wear sunglasses, meaning my light sensitivity is greatly reduced. AND my large pupil that is SLOWLY undilating would be obviously not noticeable (or less noticeable).
3. Cosmetic reasons. I currently am a bartender/waitress while I am job hunting for a real job related to my degree. I am a new graduate of Rehabilitation Medicine (ironic isn't it?). .. unfortunately and honestly, I make better money with contacts in and makeup on..

Any input or personal experience regarding contact lenses and how soon you go back to wearing them after a bout of iritis would be appreciated.

Mike Bartolatz
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Re: how soon can you go back to wearing contacts

Post by Mike Bartolatz »

once the iritis is calmed down, off all meds, put in the contacts. iritis can be caused by bacteria and other pathogens. one study for example found that about 40% of iritis patients had H pylori present in aqueous fluid. H pylori has been found in iris tissues as well and is a cause of glaucoma. viruses and many other critters cause forms of uveitis. if one gets a pathogen through an ulcer of the sclera or cornea or through trauma to the eye, a very difficult case of uveitis occurs.
systemic disease is the cause in many cases of uveitis. autoimmune disease causes many of them.
if your uveitis were bilateral and you had a history of urinary tract infections, I would tell you to be evaluated for Tuberointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome, TINU.
things like cat scratch disease can cause this as can toxocara cana and toxocara catis.
if you traveled out of country, things like malaria, west nile virus, etc can cause it.
sexually transmitted disease can as well,
the enteropathic arthropathies are triggered by many pathogens. TB is a major cause as is Chlamydia T infections with direct inside the eye link to uveitis.
make sure you throw away contact lens solutions after 90 days. replace the case too. this is a major cause of eye problems.
until you can wear your contacts again, go online and buy a pair of 'fit over' sunglasses that are polarized. I use these because I cannot wear contacts and must wear glasses. they keep light out as they have side shields and the edges fit snuggly to the face in a similar way as wrap around sunglasses. with your repeated bouts of inflammation, you will probably need them in the future.

wish you the best,
Mike Bartolatz
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