New from Northern VA

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New from Northern VA

Post by Todd »

Diagnosed in 1988 and it was the first time I had it, and it was bad. Random recurrences ever since. I was found to be HLAB27 positive. I currently have had iritis for 5 days and like always, treating with Pred Forte 4 times/day. As I've had so often, I can detect it very early...sometimes prior to the doctor seeing it. I've had iritis no less than 40 times since 1988. This time is odd in that it hasn't gone away in a few days as it always has - ususally 3 days and tapering off the Pred Forte the next 4 days. That is why I found this site as I was looking for answers to what happens if it does not go away. I read that for a lot of people, it takes many days/weeks. I guess I'll try a few more days. Ibuprofen helps with the eye pain/discomfort while I'm treating. I occasionally suffer from lower back pain which is correlated to this condition. I am 50 years old and no other medical issues. During all the times I have had iritis, my pressure has remained fine. I also notice when I look at something close, the eye discomfort increases so I look in the distance.
Mike Bartolatz
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Re: New from Northern VA

Post by Mike Bartolatz »

District of Columbia
Stephanie J. Harper, MD Background | Publications
Howard University Hospital
Department of Ophthalmology
2041 Georgia Ave. NW Suite 2100
Washington, DC 20024
Tel: (202) 865-1257 | Fax: (202) 865-4259

Alla Y. Hynes, MD Background | Publications

Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology
George Washington University School of Medicine
MFA / George Washington University
2150 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 2A
Washington, DC 20037
Tel: (202) 741-2800 | Fax: (202) 741-2805

please get an appointment with one of the Ocular Immunologists above to get you on a corticosteroid sparing approach to treatment.
you back pain is most likely related to one of the seronegative spondyloarthropathies and something as simple as using an NSAID at prescription strength might be able to break the recurrent cycle of the uveitis. that you have.
you might have adhesion between your iris and lens causing it the pain when the eye tries to adjust the shape of the iris. a dilating drop is used to relax the muscle that opens and closes the iris. only a doctor can tell for sure what is causing the pain. you are 50 now and the lens loses it's elasticity so that could be why you can't see up close.
both of the doctors above did their fellowship in ocular Immunology at Harvard under C Stephen Foster MD, the top ocular immunologist in the World.
if you would prefer to go to Baltimore, DR Quan Nguyen is an excellent ocular immunologist and Retina specialst and his contact information can be found at in the PATIENT informaton section of the site.

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hoping this helps,
Mike Bartolatz
Mike Bartolatz
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