Here to try and understand my boyfriend's Iritis

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Here to try and understand my boyfriend's Iritis

Post by summer1775 »

I signed up to this website for my boyfriend really - he wasdiagnosed with Iritis in July this year and is unable to shake it off. We've been told it's a side effect of his IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) which he's had since his 20's (he's now 36) He's been tested for a few other things but the consensus is that it's the IBS nothing more 'serious'.

What is making it worse is that every time he's going to the hospital (he's there for the second time this week, today) he sees a different doctor, who has a slightly different take on it, slightly different treatment, all of which is (in my opinion) prolonging this bout (he has it in both eyes now, not just one) and making his IBS worse (it's stress related) which in turn is making the Iritis hang around.

He's in tears most nights (he's a big strong self employed carpenter - not the tearful type!) and I feel useless because I don't know how to help or what to do - he's terrified it's something more than the IBS, and it's making his work virtually impossible at the minute - not just because of the condition but on average a day and a half at hospital each week.
Thanks for reading :)
Mike Bartolatz
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Re: Here to try and understand my boyfriend's Iritis

Post by Mike Bartolatz »

First of all Welcome to the group.
I too was a carpenter for many years before I was forced to retire from health issues.

Irritable bowel disease is directly linked to uveitis. this can be VERY difficult to control in some individuals and I strongly urge him to see a true specialist in iritis, an ocular immunologist who can quiet the eye and keep the disease from damaging his vision permanently. often the middle and back of the eye are involved and it can take several corticosteroid inections to tissue SURROUNDING the eye to quell the inflammation, then he has to get a steroid sparing approach to treatment implemented because this can cause major changes to tissue inside the eye resulting in things like Cystoid macular edema, neovascularization of the retina with potential to bleed and cause detached retina to occur. the steroids and the disease can lead to cataract formation and often glaucoma develops from steroid use or inflammatory cells plugging up the drains of the eye.
frequently severe dry eyes occurs and this can lead to corneal inflammation and infections.
He is probably having a very tough time with bright lights so get him some dark green polarized WRAP around sunglasses that fit snuggly to the face. they keep light from reflecting off the back of the lens which can block vision as light is scattered by the protein given off during the inflammatory process in his vitreous, the jelly like substance that fills the eye.

if he does have a gritty sensation in his eyes, it could well be from inflammation of the lacrimal gland stopping tear production. get him to use lubricating eyedrops periodically during the day and gel type ones at bedtime.

join us in the General discussion forum and I'll answer any questions that might develop. often the IBD is from Crohn's disease or uclerative colitis. this is related to the HLA B27 gene which also is related to the uveitis he has.
it takes a combination of medication to stop the progression of Crohn's/UC usually Methotrexate and another class of med such as Remicade or Humira. this is very serious.

Tell him that I am willing to talk to him personally if he wishes. I can provide my cell phone number to him.

wishing him the very best,
Mike Bartolatz
oldefart @ hotmail. com
Mike Bartolatz
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