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New member, just started MTX injections

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:38 am
Hi Mike and everyone,
I am so happy to have this support. It's my first time posting but I have been reading for a year now when I had my first uveitis flare. I'm 37 yr old busy mom and wife that began having uveitis flares this time last year. My first flare was significant and had to be controlled with durezol. I tapered, had one minor rebound flare but tapered again and did well until October 2014 when I had another mild flare. It was controlled with pred forte this time, tapered and quiet for a couple of months which brings me to my current flare. This one has been again unresponsive to pred forte so I am on durezol and currently tapering. I met with a rheumatologist last week and was also given a steroid shot of keno log- in the hip. I'm hla b27 positive with no other arthritic symptoms. I have noticed some heartburn/acid reflux that preceded this flair so I've also started on a probiotic and protonix. The rheumatologist and I discussed options such as MTX and Imuran to address any other source of systemic inflammation that could be triggering these flares. She preferred the Imuran but I wanted to try MTX first since I can inject it and bypass the GI system. In my research it also seems to be less threatening as far as side effects are concerned. I started last night on .6 ml...not sure how many mg that is. I waited for some sort of exorcism or something after reviewing on line reviews but so far I feel fine which I'm happy about...not sure if the side effects kick in later or what. I'm also under the care of an ophthalmologist who seems to be experienced with uveitis and has been very on top of things as they happen. I do find I have to advocate for myself in this process and do my own research. My mother, aunt, and cousin have all had bouts of uveitis and are hla b27. Their episodes typically coincide with another type of systemic issue like back pain, colitis, etc. I have had no other issues we can pin point which is good but also baffling. So here I am..scared about the MTX as it's a big gun drug but know that I cannot continue to have flares. The dr. Describes my prior inflammation as significant but controllable...but I just can't continue doing the drops, living at the dr's office for pressure checks, etc. I have some posterior synecheue but no other permanent damage we can see at this time. Thank you in advance for insight, support, and ideas. I feel so alone in this!!

Re: New member, just started MTX injections

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 10:38 am
by Mike Bartolatz
Welcome to the group!

your GI issues and arthritis are linked to the HLA B27 gene. overlap of symptoms occurs and Crohn's disease can impact your entire GI tract, not just the intestines. you could develop mouth sores for example which could also be linked. the arthritis can be in large joints as well as the sacrum and spine too. it takes about six months before you will know if the DMARD drug works so be patient as the doctor slowly increases the dose. fewer side effects occur when MTX is injected. I assume you are taking folic acid the day after you take the injection too. some hair loss may occur. get your labs done to make sure it isn't impacting your liver etc too. the good thing is that should liver enzymes go up, stopping the drug will ensure things go back to normal. there are many drugs to try should MTX not work for you too.

I am here to help as needed.

Wishing you quiet eyes,