curious....temp increase and possible link....

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curious....temp increase and possible link....

Post by LisaMarie »

I am in my 4th bout of iritis this year....every 2 months it re emerges....

I've noticed a pattern emerging.

The iritis returns at the time in the monthly cycle where my temp increases following ovulation......
Was wondering if any female iritis suffers see a similar pattern???? Was also wondering if this link my have anything to to with temps or progesterone????

Anyone feel like buying a basal body temp thermometer and charting to see if temps and iritis is linked???

I'm also curious as to whether iritis flares are more common in pregnant women wherby temps are higher and progesterone levels soar.....

just curious......

I mentioned it to the hospital doc, but he didn't flinch....just heres your drops and adios!!!!

Anyone any thoughts??
Posts: 79
Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 5:43 pm

Post by jessrms »

I have discussed pregnancy and iritis/uveitis with my docs at length, since hopefully at some point, I will be able to go off meds and have a baby, Anyway, what every doc has told me is this: With any immune disorder there is the "rule of the thirds": a third will see an improvement or go into remission, a third will stay the same, and a third will get worse.

I know several people who have gotten pregnantand had no symptoms until a couple of days after the birth of their babies. Is it from hormones or stress/trauma from the birth, I can't make that judgment.

Have you spoken to a gynecologist about this? Mine fortunately has experience with autoimmune disorders, so she can help me through my pregnancy, when it happens.

I wish I could be more help,

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